Our Complaints Handling Procedure meets the requirements of our membership of the Energy Ombudsman ADR Scheme. Stage one of the CHP allows Core Facility Services (Core) the opportunity to review and consider your complaint in full. Core will strive to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, in a professional and courtesy manner. If you are not happy with our response, you should take your complaint to stage two. Stage two gives you, the client, the opportunity to have your complaint reviewed and considered by the Energy Ombudsman.
To raise a complaint, contact us via one of the following channels providing as much information as possible:
Post: Orchard House, Park Road, Elland, HX5 9HP
Phone: 01422 880 180
Email: Justin.holley@corefacility.co.uk
Website: www.corefacility.co.uk
We will consider your complaint as quickly as possible and will acknowledge receipt within 7 days. We will assess the situation and the evidence to find an appropriate resolution within 8 weeks.
All customer complaints will be recorded in our CRM including the following details:
If your complaint is unresolved after 8 weeks, or if you have received a deadlock letter from us indicating that it cannot be resolved, you can refer it to Energy Ombudsman. This is an impartial and free service. They can be contacted using any of the details below and you should provide as much information and evidence as possible when submitting your complaint.
Post: Energy Ombudsman, P.O. Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF
Phone: 0330 440 1624
Email: enquiry@energyombudsman.org
Website: www.energyombudsman.org