Play Spot the Ball with Core Facility Services for a chance to win a signed HTAFC shirt.
How to Play
- The ball has been removed from the match photo below. Use your skill to decide where you think the centre of the ball should be.
- Click the image to record your guess, enter your details and submit your entry.
- Your chosen location on the image will be recorded on our database as x and y coordinates.
- The entry that comes closest to the centre of the ball will win a signed HTAFC shirt.
- Enter before midnight on 23rd April 2025.
- The winner can choose to have their prize presented pre-match at the home game against Leyton Orient on 2nd May (winners must have a ticket for the game to choose this option) or have it shipped.

Terms and Conditions
The winning entry will be the entry judged as closest to the centre of the ball on the original photograph. When selecting a winner, the judge’s decision will be final.
Entry is free and a person can enter as many times as they wish.
Winners will be notified by email or phone before the first home league game of the month following the competition (e.g. if the promotion is run in February, the winner will be notified before the first home league game in March).
Winners can choose to have their prize presented by a first team player pre-match at the first home league game of the month following the promotion (e.g. if the promotion is run in December, the presentation will be arranged pre-match on the first game in January). The pre-match presentation will take place at a time most appropriate for the club. Winners must have a ticket for the match if they choose to have their prize presented. Match tickets are not included in the prize. Alternatively, their prize will be posted to them.
Winners consent to Core Facility Services using their name and any images taken at presentation as part of the promotion publicity.
Core Facility Services reserves the right to withhold, withdraw or amend this incentive at any time and the company decision is final.
Core Facility Services retains the right to substitute the prize with another prize of similar value in the event the original prize is not available. Employees of Core Facility Services may not enter. By entering you agree to the collection, retention, usage of your personal information in order to process and contact you about your prize and delivery. Also, you shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions.
Core Facility Services accepts no responsibility for any costs, damage, loss, liabilities, injury or disappointment incurred or suffered by you as a result of entering or accepting the prize.